يوفر منتجع Raglan Holiday Park Papahua 300 خيمة وموقعًا مزودًا بالطاقة، وكبائن، ووحدات مستقلة، وغرف نوم بطابقين، ومرافق جماعية، وغرفة مؤتمرات، ومرافق غسيل الملابس، ومرافق الوضوء. صالة تلفزيون، وشواء، ومنطقة تدخين الأسماك/تنظيفها. ملعب للأطفال. يقع على بعد 6 كم من شاطئ ركوب الأمواج. 5 دقائق سيرًا على الأقدام من المدينة عبر جسر للمشاة.
Whether you have come to enjoy the peace and tranquility of this idyllic New Zealand beach town or are a surfer seeking some world class wave action, Raglan Holiday Park Papahua is the perfect place stay. Situated on a peninsula in the Raglan Harbour, the land that the campground occupies is almost entirely surrounded by water. With vehicle access by a lone road bridge, this virtual island has its own sandy beach, boat ramp, takeaway store, a huge playground, skate park and a picturesque walk bridge conveniently linking the Raglan Holiday Park Papahua to the Raglan Town center. Our peaceful and well-maintained campground has all the facilities you will need to make your stay as fun and relaxing as possible. Whether you are tenting, having your holiday-home on wheels or fancy some comfortable motel style accommodation then look no further than Raglan Holiday Park Papahua.