Lake Ferry Holiday Parks
Lake Ferry Holiday Park is the perfect family destination for those looking to enjoy the great outdoors while creating lasting memories. Located on the South Coast of New Zealand’s North Island, our campground provides a unique experience with its coastal location and nearby wilderness activities.
Whether you’re looking to take part in hunting, fishing, cycling, tramping, or just relax and take in the views, Lake Ferry has it all. Come join us and create a truly unique and memorable family experience.
Brook Valley Holiday Reserve
The Brook Valley Holiday Reserve is a “no frills” back to basics traditional kiwi holiday camp. There are no fancy features here, even the mobile phone coverage is patchy (but we do provide good Wi-Fi coverage).
Get away from the holiday crowds and immerse yourself in a lush, peaceful valley surrounded by the rush of the river and native birdsong.
Our Holiday Park is perfect for families needing to escape the daily demands of life, or for school groups and reunions. It’s an ideal location for campers, walkers and mountain bikers who will enjoy being on the doorstep of some of the best historic walks, challenging trails, and spectacular vistas in the Nelson area. PLEASE NOTE: No dogs are allowed.
Alpine Pacific Holiday Park
Accommodation set in picturesque, quiet, rural setting, stunning mountain views, only 400m from town. Alpine Pacific Holiday Park offers excellent range of accommodation, cabins, ensuites & motels, with park facilities for powered campervan or tent sites. Facilities include heated pool & spas, wireless internet & high pressure showers. Free Wifi ( Limited).
从山顶接近阿努拉湾的景色令人叹为观止。太平洋在金色的沙滩上翻滚,背景中隐约可见美丽的 Motuoroi。隐蔽的海湾四周环绕着郁郁葱葱的绿色牧场,令人印象深刻的悬崖面向远处。 Anaura Bay Camp Ground 每年吸引数百名游客。在传统的新西兰风格营地享受绝对的海滨景点。放松身心,沐浴阳光,欣赏新西兰最美的景色,留下美好回忆。
我们的露营者可以使用 Wi-Fi。根据安排,宠物必须始终处于领先地位,但 12 月 18 日至 1 月 18 日期间不得携带宠物狗。
菲尔丁假日公园 Feilding Holiday Park
菲尔丁假日公园提供经济实惠的住宿,是家庭、大型团体和房车旅行的不二之选。欢迎携带宠物。也可为较大团体提供特价优惠。欢迎在新西兰“最美小镇”菲尔丁(Feilding)经停歇脚或悠闲休整,假日公园静谧平和的氛围将为您带来身心灵的放松。拥有优越的地理位置,20分钟可至北帕默斯顿(Palmerston North),数分钟可至曼菲尔德(Manfield),可轻松前往本地所有的休闲旅游名胜,包括跳蚤市场、农贸集市、购物中心和家庭休闲中心等。
杰拉尔丁十大假日公园 Geraldine TOP 10 Holiday Park